5 Questions To Ask A Digital Marketing/Web Design Company Befo…
David Forman with Clarity Creative Group gives us 5 Questions to ask a digital marketing or web designer before you hire them.
Posted by Professional Connections Group on Tuesday, August 22, 2017
This week David Forman with Clarity Creative Group gave us “5 Questions to Ask a Web Developer You Want to do Business With”. He starts off about how you should ask to see recent projects, not just the visual side but the data behind said projects so that you can find out the type of traffic they’re bringing in and if they can help move up your website. Second, you should ask what amount of work is done in-house compared to outsourced work as it can be difficult to get all parties on the same page when it comes to your website.
Next, you want to know how much of your website you can personally edit. Good developers can help a “non-coder layman” edit. At Clarity Creative Group the websites are client focused, editable, simple, and straightforward while a lot of companies do not create user friendly back end sites. The steps at Clarity might take longer but it makes it easier for the client to be “website-centric”. Then you want to ask what SEO tactics they work into the initial design; this is because you want to find out the technical side of your website. Whether that’s keywords or a redirecting technique, you want to appease the search engines. Finally, you should ask the developer/marketer what do they do to see the success of your website. Some developers are afraid to look at data, every project should have analytics and tracking. This helps you learn your ranking.
To set up a free initial consultation visit Clarity Creative Group‘s website today!